Alan Dershowitz is one of the most celebrated lawyers in the world. He was the youngest full professor in Harvard Law School history where he is now the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus. The author of numerous bestselling books, from Chutzpah to Guilt by Accusation to The Case Against Impeaching Trump to The Best Defense to Reversal of Fortune (which was made into an Academy Award–winning film) to The Price of Principle, Dershowitz has advised presidents and prime ministers and has represented many prominent men and women, half of them pro bono.
“Dershowitz has always liked a good argument, and he has found plenty of fodder in Israeli policies over the decades. . . In fighting for Israel on the public stage, the author has often condemned the legitimization, by some elements of the political left, of Palestinian aggression―yet he also defends ‘the right of those who demonized Israel. . . to express their hateful views.’ Unbowed and proud, Dershowitz leaves readers with a singing endorsement of ‘the most successful new nation that has been born―really reborn―during the past century.’” ―Kirkus Review
“[Dershowitz] accepts the mantle of Israel’s public defender, and his new book can be seen as a kind of trial brief…At the same time, Defending Israel is a memoir, both sentimental and poignant. . . There is a certain solemnity and gravity to his latest book, which serves as a charge to his fellow Americans and his fellow Jews: ‘We must determine our destiny, write our future history, and assure the survival of the Jewish people and their nation-state forever.’” ―Jonathan Kirsch, Jewish Journal
“Defending Israel is an important and timely addition to the current history of the Middle East and Israel. It is an authoritative account of Israel’s dependence on the popular support in the West. Dershowitz explores Israel’s security issues in the light of rising anti-Semitism and diminishing support for Israel among Western youth.” ―The Washington Book Review