For Whom the Dogs Spy is an excellent account of the modern political history of one of America’s closest neighbors by someone who has lived through it . . . . a volume that . . . has great merit, illuminating a country that, for many Americans, remains too much in the shadows.”
Wall Street Journal
"[An] engrossing memoir of a former [reporter] who ran the best sourced radio program about Haiti during the 60s, mercilessly skewering the evil Papa Doc to distraction."
Miami Herald
This book is a great piece of history that will help the world to understand [Haitians] better. The truth will prevail. I wish my uncle had put this book out when I was a Fugee. I could have begun the song, Ready or not, here I come. For whom the dogs spy, I keep a watch with my third eye.’ I’ve been told that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. After reading my uncle’s book, I feel just like I was an apple and he was my Big Tree.”
Wyclef Jean
"For Whom the Dogs Spy follows the arc of [Raymond Joseph's] career in pugilistic detail while tracing Haiti’s history from the 1950s to the present."
New York Observer
No doubt the struggle for democracy in Haiti has many heroes, but surely [Raymond Joseph] stands in the top rank. He out-maneuvered a death sentence handed down by the Duvalier regime to play a leading role in the struggle for freedom in a nation founded in one of history's most important slave revolts. All who root for the success of democracy in Haiti and beyond will want to read Ambassador Joseph’s memoir.”
Seth Lipsky, editor of the New York Sun
Ray Joseph is the voice and conscience of Haiti. Eighty-two now, he’s written a book about his life, and about the tragedy that befell Haiti. Nobody can tell the story better than Ray Joseph.”
Stanley Penn, Pulitzer Prize winner
Ray Joseph, among the most distinguished Haitians of recent generations, has given us a compelling memoir that is also a penetrating modern history. Presidents Duvalier, Aristide, Martelly, voodoo, cruelty, carnivals, corruption, and the environmental degradation of Haitiall are laid bare on these pages. Ray Joseph has been a crusader for Haitian democracy for more than 50 fifty years and has greatly influenced this history that he so skillfully tells.”
Peter Kann, former chairman and CEO of Dow Jones & Co.