“Rich in insight, A Woman in the Wild is an engrossing story of desire, healing, and the limits of human knowledge. With mindful reflections upon the wilderness in the world and in our hearts, this tale of a psychologist in crisis is immediately and deeply captivating. A marvelous read.”
—Ethan Gallogly, author of The Trail: A Novel
“A Woman in The Wild shows how inspiring and healing the natural world can be. The retreat center where the main characters meet offers no prescription for healing other than a safe place to be and the nourishment of rest and reflection. I especially enjoyed the immense range and complexity of the characters’ inner lives as they actively engage the sensate world of the surrounding wilderness. As a psychologist myself, I was not only delighted and surprised with what Thea, the main character, discovers on her quest, I remain deeply inspired by the resounding truth of it!”
—Susan Scott, author of Healing with Nature
“A wonderfully original novel. The characters are unusual and engaging, especially the marvelously imagined wild man and the ever-hovering bear concealed in the wilderness. The precision and beauty of the language, together with the measured pace of the narration, allow the time and process required for inner development as well as for conversations and reflections on guilt, the making of amends, healing, loss, and death.”
—Inez Martinez, author of To Know the Moon and former general editor of the Jungian Journal for Scholarly Studies