In Praise of Fire on the Island:"Smith offers the perfect blend of intrigue, romance, and travelogue."—
Publishers Weekly"Fire on the Island is an unpredictable, unconventional thriller. A gay FBI agent who goes undercover to trace the arsonist terrorizing a Greek village once inhabited by Turks digs up roiling ethnic tensions, festering homophobia, and family secrets. Smith, clearly familiar with his setting, paints his island with vivid color and populates it with complex and compelling characters." —Jennifer Steil, author of
Exile Music and
The Ambassador's Wife “I read Fire on the Island in one sitting. Smith’s prose is fast-paced, the dialogue is crisp, and the characters are well-drawn in a breathtaking setting. I highly recommend this book.” —Hasan Namir, author of
God in Pink and War/Torn "The characters of the small Greek island of Vourvoulos are the stars in Timothy Jay Smith’s compulsively readable mystery
Fire on the Island. Athens-based FBI legal attaché Nick Damigos has come to Vourvoulos to investigate a series of dangerous fires, which may be connected to the flood of illegal immigrants arriving from Turkey in rafts and leaky boats. What he finds is an island full of old secrets dating back to the days when island-based Turks were forced to return to Turkey, leaving behind homes and farms. And in the present, islanders are keeping secrets, primarily sexual ones. Even the most casual of characters come alive, from the handsome priest with a trade in fake icons to the Albanian waiter desperately in love with his boss’s daughter. That’s Smith’s greatest talent—in addition to a page-turning plot, he makes the lives of these people on this tiny rock in the Aegean meaningful to us." —Neil Plakcy, author of the award-winning Mahu Investigations
“Smith’s compelling page-turner, Fire on the Island, offers plentiful helpings of captivating mystery and intrigue with rich family history and exciting romantic adventures....The mystery surrounding the fires and determining who may be responsible makes for a fascinating escapade that delves into the town’s history and provides intimate portraits of each potential culprit. Meanwhile, the everyday antic and daily trials and tribulations of the community’s members are equally engaging....Fire on the Island introduces readers to a small but complicated universe with colorful characters for a thrilling, memorable adventure in an exotic locale.” --Edge Media Network