Dive deep into a comprehensive fact-packed history of vaccines that includes information on vaccine manufacturers and their evolution over time.
Browse through an extensive series of verifiable and documented facts on vaccines. For well over a century, vaccines have been routinely recommended to billions of people worldwide, mostly children and babies. With an ever-increasing portfolio of vaccines using novel technologies on the global market, it is important now more than ever to consolidate a chronology of facts relating to human vaccination.
Considering the current climate of censorship around vaccines, this publication will contribute to an expanded understanding of this important medical intervention.
Spanning over fifteen hundred years, this thoroughly researched timeline is an educational tool for any researcher, student, doctor, scientist, parent, or curious human being wishing to gain a broader perspective and insight into the complex and vast landscape of human vaccination. From smallpox to shingles; tetanus to tuberculosis; hepatitis B to HPV, discover when, where, and by whom these vaccines were invented and marketed.
Including a historical timeline of pharmaceutical company beginnings, mergers and acquisitions since the seventeenth century, this illustrated reference book shines a light on the controversial subject of vaccines and their makers.
Shaz Khan is a London-born, Swiss-Indian creative designer, information-junkie, and critical thinker, somewhat obsessed with vaccines. She graduated from Central St. Martins College of Art & Design with a BA (Hons) in Product Design and has complemented her education with certifications and courses in nutrition, marketing and communications, anatomy and physiology, and immunobiology and vaccinology.
Her persistent curiosity, along with an inquisitive mind, interest in history, and thirst for knowledge, has expanded her perception and understanding of the world, notably vaccination. After months spent in libraries and national archives, she was disturbed to discover the undisclosed safety history of vaccines and the scope of injuries observed following their administration that were acknowledged by authorities. Her commitment to the truth, freedom, and the preservation of health is the motivation behind this publication.
She self-published a small, illustrated book called The Virus and publishes content on
“Shaz Khan's The Ultimate Vaccine Timeline provides a tour de force overview of the history of vaccines from long before they were known as vaccines to the present. In her trajectory of events, we see the development of the vaccine industry from a pharmaceutical sidebar to today’s major moneymaker, culminating (so far) in the catastrophic, but very lucrative, rollout of mRNA gene products, the latter now threatening to become the dominant type of ‘vaccine.’ It is the vaccines that have made the pharmaceutical industry as powerful as it is today, so powerful in fact that it can dictate to the WHO and to national governments in its endless hunger to expand vaccine markets. I doubt that even 1 in 1,000 physicians will know even a small fraction of the material in this book, but they should. Indeed, this should be required reading for any in the medical profession who deliver or counsel the use of vaccines. And it is essential reading for the rest of us as well to see how much control of our lives the pharmaceutical industry has seized. If we are to begin the process of taking back control of our own health, this book would be a good place to start.”
—Christopher Shaw, neuroscientist and professor of ophthalmology at the University of British Columbia, author of Dispatches from the Vaccine Wars, and coauthor of Down the COVID-19 Rabbit Hole
“Shaz Khan’s aptly titled book The Ultimate Vaccine Timeline is an extraordinary compilation of historical details about a particular type of pharmaceutical product that we are supposed to believe has enabled humanity to thrive, but the true history of which is riddled with fraud, corruption, deceit, harm, and state violence against bodily integrity. This book is an incredible reference illuminating why someday in the future, when humankind finally becomes civilized, people will look back on the era of coerced mass vaccination and recognize it as an age of barbarism.”
—Jeremy R. Hammond, independent journalist and author of The War on Informed Consent
“My career in pediatrics from 1985 to 2022—when I relinquished my medical license due to taking a stand for children's right to informed consent and bodily integrity—awakened me to the challenges we have with regard to vaccine safety. Vaccines are dangerous products with virtually no proper placebo safety testing, no analysis of overall health outcomes, and no official studies comparing the health of the vaccinated to that of the unvaccinated. To fully understand how we got here, we now have a treasure in this book. Shaz Khan’s detailed masterpiece, The Ultimate Vaccine Timeline: A Fact-Packed History of Vaccines and Their Makers, includes a timeline of vaccine-relevant information ranging from AD 570 to the present day. This is both a vital reference work and a fascinating book to browse, containing everything you could possibly need to know about the history of vaccines in one beautiful place.”
—Paul Thomas, MD, longtime pediatrician, coauthor of The Vaccine-Friendly Plan, author of Vax Facts, founder and host of With the Wind: Science Revealed, and cofounder of
“The Ultimate Vaccine Timeline by Shaz Khan is indeed an accurate and timely book at this stage in vaccine history. We are at a point where new and experimental vaccines—experimental in concept, in delivery mechanisms, in immune and other mechanisms of action—have been unleashed large scale on the world’s unwitting population under great duress from powers that be, for a disease that was itself questionable. All vaccines are now under scrutiny by many who before wholeheartedly accepted them as ‘safe and effective.’ In this current time frame, the ‘grandfather of vaccines,’ Dr. Stanley Plotkin, has himself just released a paper noting that vaccines are not adequately tested for safety: ‘Postauthorization studies are needed to fully characterize the safety profile of a new vaccine, since prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes, follow-up durations, and population heterogeneity.” Shaz has successfully, without any words herself but simply by documenting events in history, revealed the true story of vaccines, of collusion between interested parties, of governmental controls, of repeated vaccine failures and disease outbreaks following the institution of new vaccination programs. This book demands a place on the shelf of every person interested in the truth about vaccines and in making their own informed decisions: which should mean everyone. Having been in the health and wellness industry for over thirty-five years, I have many books on vaccination, and this stands amongst the very best, deserving its own place in vaccine history. I heartily recommend it to all.
—Robyn Cosford, retired doctor, professor of nutritional and environmental medicine, and chair of Children’s Health Defense Australia Chapter
“This book impressively organizes the history of vaccines—from both an industry and public health perspective—all in one visually stunning timeline. Seeing serious reactions in my patients and my own family, I was inspired to research vaccines to determine which were worth the risk to keep my children safe. After studying many resources, I decided no vaccines would be safe for my children. This book would have been an excellent resource to fast-track my understanding of what we are really facing—decades of industry propaganda and medical gaslighting with an appalling lack of true safety studies. Ms. Khan has done all families, doctors, nurses, and scientists a favor by giving us a clear framework to begin our exploration for truth.”
—Cammy Benton, MD, family physician