A Comprehensive and Accessible Guide to the IEP Process
The IEP process can be confusing, frustrating, and time-consuming. Understanding what your child or student needs is one thing, but getting them help and resources can be another thing altogether. Drawing on decades of experience, Jennifer Laviano and Julie Swanson are uniquely positioned to guide both parents and teachers through the IEP process.
The IEP Guidefor All breaks down the legal and standardized language and will leave parents feeling confident while navigating the IEP process. Whether you're a parent, a first-time educator, or an experienced educator, this guide will help get students the resources they need and highlight what everyone needs to know about the IEP process.
"A must-have for teachers and parents, and I've sat on both sides of the table."—Allie Grafman, CT Parent Advocate and former coordinator of Special Education
Jennifer Laviano is a special education attorney in private practice in Connecticut. Her firm's representation of children with special needs encompasses the full spectrum of advocacy under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504, from attendance at IEP team meetings and mediation to litigation in due process hearings and federal court. She is a regular presenter on the subject of the special legal rights of children with disabilities and their entitlement to receive a free and appropriate education and to be free from disability-based discrimination.
Julie Swanson is a special education advocate and disability specialist. She started her practice as an advocate to secure appropriate special education programming for her son who has autism. As an advocate, she helps parents of children with all disabilities navigate the special education and 504 process. She speaks frequently on special education matters and has a long-standing history of service on special education-related state boards, task forces, and legislative appointments to state councils. She is also the founder of The Life Skills Lady, a website devoted to increasing independence and adult outcomes in individuals who have autism through adaptive and life skills. She can be followed on social media @lifeskillslady.
"A must-have for teachers and parents, and I've sat on both sides of the table."—Allie Grafman, CT Parent Advocate and former coordinator of Special Education
"With wit and wisdom this dynamic duo of skilled practitioners share helpful insight for families struggling to access special education services and supports." —Denise Marshall, executive director, Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates
"With this book, Jennifer and Julie make the IEP process a little less scary, by providing real, step-by-step examples of how to navigate the world of special education. This is the book I wish existed when my son was diagnosed with autism fourteen years ago, as it would have served as an invaluable resource for my advocacy on his behalf. A must-have for all parents of children receiving special education services!" —Shannon Knall, Wisconsin Autism Council
"What most special education parents want and need—a comprehensive but practical guide that not only discusses the law but also “What Your School District Isn’t Telling You” and “What You Can Do About It.” . . . I highly recommend this book not only to parents, but really to anyone involved in special education." —Mona Roy, attorney and mother of two special education children