In the aftermath of a devastating clash between gods and men, two unlikely allies—one immortal and one human—must band together to survive in the sequel to the epic fantasy debut The Song of All.
The war between men and immortals that raged across the frozen Northland of Davvieana has ended. For men, the balance of power between Believer and Brethren, between honoring the gods and honoring the sword, has shifted to favor priests over Hunters.
But it is the legacy of one man’s love for his son that shapes the lives of all who survived.
While Irjan, the once-legendary immortal hunter, has saved his son’s life, he cannot save Marnej from the men who will make him a killer, nor can he save the immortal girl he’d promised to protect from the secret of her birth.
Raised by Irjan among the immortals, Dárja has been trained to fight by a man who once hunted her kind. Prisoner among the humans, her hatred for them is challenged by the chance to give Irjan what he has always wanted—his son Marnej returned to him.
Together, Marnej and Dárja, human and immortal, must find a way to trust one another if they are to live long enough to learn the truth behind the secrets and lies that have forged their lives.
Tina LeCount Myers is a writer, artist, independent historian, and surfer. Born in Mexico to expat-bohemian parents, she grew up on Southern California tennis courts with a prophecy hanging over her head; her parents hoped she’d one day be an author. The Song of All, her debut novel, was published by Night Shade Books in early 2018.
Praise for The Song of All
“Fantasy served cold and raw.” —Deborah A. Wolf, author of The Dragon’s Legacy
“A beautifully realized world, both familiar and strange, with charismatic characters and a rich tapestry of history. . . a vivid and engrossing debut.”—Anna Stephens, author of Godblind
“Intense and as sharp as an icicle, Myers delivers a bloody tale about the choices between family and honor, and what happens to those caught between. The Song of All is an epic fantasy well worth your time.”—Teresa Frohock, author of Miserere: An Autumn Tale
Praise for The Song of All
“Fantasy served cold and raw.” —Deborah A. Wolf, author of The Dragon’s Legacy
“A beautifully realized world, both familiar and strange, with charismatic characters and a rich tapestry of history. . . a vivid and engrossing debut.”—Anna Stephens, author of Godblind
“Fantasy served cold and raw.” —Deborah A. Wolf, author of The Dragon’s Legacy
“A beautifully realized world, both familiar and strange, with charismatic characters and a rich tapestry of history. . . a vivid and engrossing debut.”—Anna Stephens, author of Godblind
“Intense and as sharp as an icicle, Myers delivers a bloody tale about the choices between family and honor, and what happens to those caught between. The Song of All is an epic fantasy well worth your time.”—Teresa Frohock, author of Miserere: An Autumn Tale