Sacrifice documents the true story of Dr. James Thorp, a respected doctor of maternal fetal medicine, who in 2020, finds his entire profession has lost its mind, as well as its soul. Stunned to find his colleagues take the bribe money, drink the Kool-Aid, and push the COVID-19 shots, Thorp is one of the few Ob-Gyns to bear witness and broadcast the multitude of pregnancy complications including miscarriages, stillbirths, and many other tragic outcomes resulting from the shots.
One of the few doctors from the maternal-fetal medicine realm who publicly protested the Covid shots as directly deadly to his patients—unborn babies—Thorp witnessed the carnage on a daily basis firsthand, documented it, published papers, and spoke up on countless media platforms, and in Senate hearings in Washington, DC. He was terminated, without any cause, and went on to campaign around the country to get the truth out.
This is his story.
James Thorp is a board-certified obstetrician gynecologist (Ob-Gyn) and maternal fetal medicine physician with over forty-four years of obstetrical experience. He saw over 27,500 high-risk pregnancies in four and a half years while serving one of the largest Catholic Health Care systems, SSM Health, of St. Louis, MO. Dr. Thorp is currently the chief of Maternal and Prenatal Health at The Wellness Company. He served as a reviewer for major medical journals, on the board of directors for the Society of Maternal Fetal Medicine, and as an examiner for the American Board of Obstetrics & Gynecology. He served in the US Air Force as an obstetrician gynecologist. Dr. Thorp testified in the US Senate under the Bush administration in 2003 and with Senator Ron Johnson and others in 2022. Dr. Thorp is active in clinical research with approximately 275 publications of which seventy are COVID-19 related. He is a coauthor of The COVID-19 Vaccines & Beyond.
Celia Farber is a pioneering journalist whose early works about fraud and murder in the HIV empire were prescient by decades. Best known for her writings against pandemic propaganda, from AIDS to Covid, she was also an early critic of woke culture and mind control. Farber is the author of Serious Adverse Events: An Uncensored History Of AIDS. She has written for Harper’s, Esquire, Rolling Stone, and The New York Post, among others, and is a contributing writer at The Epoch Times. She was the 2008 recipient of the Semmelweis Clean Hands Award for Investigative Journalism by the Semmelweis Society International.
“Dr. Jim Thorp stood as a rock-solid pier of truth and integrity in a sea of corruption that swept into the field of obstetrics and gynecology. Thorp stood tall, called out corruption and malfeasance, and was willing to pay any price to protect mother and baby from this attack. This book should be shared from mother to obstetrician, one-by-one, all over the globe. Thorp is the rock!”
—Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH, author of The Courage to Face COVID-19
“The only writer I would trust to carry a reader through a book with information as shattering as that in Sacrifice is Celia Farber. A veteran of our long, long war, and a dear friend, she can be trusted to ensure that the human stories are never eclipsed by the hard data. A great, great work, Sacrifice is certain to make a lasting impact.”
—Vera Sharav, Holocaust survivor, human rights activist, and founder of the Alliance for Human Research Protection
“What if it turned out that the world you thought you were living within is surrounded by smoke and mirrors to distract you from the evil that increasingly encroaches on all of us? What if you opened your eyes—and you finally saw this evil? If taken as seriously as it should and must be, Sacrifice, by James Thorp and Celia Farber, could become an enormous awakening for many readers—pulling away the curtain on major events going on in the world that involve mass murder and yet are being entirely ignored and suppressed by the major media and all the big- name influencers and politicians.”
—Dr. Peter Breggin, psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and author of COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We Are the Prey
“Readers may or may not agree with Dr. Thorp’s conclusions regarding the malign intent of those who engineered the miserably failed response to COVID. But after reading chapter one, it will be impossible not to understand how Dr. Thorp came to their them. The authors are well aware of the scorn and vilification that will be their reward for writing this book. I hope everyone will reward their courage by reading Sacrifice with an open mind that will allow their eyes to be opened.
—Ron Johnson, US Senator, Wisconsin
“Dr. James Thorp has long been the only, and now, among the very few, obstetricians to come forward and speak up about the damage that ‘the deadliest vaccine in history’ has done to babies in utero, to moms-to-be, and to newborns. He also exposed the industrial-scale corruption of the field of obstetrics by vaccine money. If history is ever properly written, Dr. Thorp will be honored as the man who sought to save generations unborn.”
—Naomi Wolf, PhD, author of The Bodies of Others, cofounder and CEO of
“The authors provide a personal first-hand, referenced, and accurate, exposé of the mRNA ‘vaccine’ debacle promoted by the dysfunctional leadership of ACOG, ABOG, and the SMFM. By early 2021, it was clear that not one pregnant woman should have ever been given a COVID-19 ‘vaccine,’ which are still in use. Every mother in the US should be outraged, yet the silence is deafening due to medical censorship.”
—Dr. Steven J. Hatfill, medical advisor, 2020 Executive Office of the President
“Dr. James Thorp builds a strong case for the evolution of a COVID catastrophe. Brutal techniques of censorship and propaganda, he suggests, were deployed in a manner applied during similar medical disasters in our past. Calling upon his clinical experience and the historical record Dr. Thorp tells a grim tale of betrayal and corruption.”
—Drew Pinsky, internist and addiction medicine specialist, television host, author, and public speaker
“A True Hero amongst us, Dr. James Thorp speaks against the ‘Covid Vaccine’ calling it the ‘Highest Kill Rate in History.’ His brave words saved countless lives. Thank you for being a Guardian Angel to the vulnerable.”
—Alex Jones
“Sacrifice: How the Deadliest Vaccine in History Targeted the Most Vulnerable shines light on the devastating harms the COVID shots have had on our unborn. Beautifully written, the book is coauthored by one of the few obstetricians in the US with the courage to publicly speak about the unprecedented rise in fetal demise following the rollout of the COVID shots. Dr. Thorp and Celia Farber have written a powerful expose on how and why 99.99 percent of obstetricians have ignored the oath they took to first Do No Harm. I had chills within the first five minutes of reading this book—I cannot recommend highly enough.
—Dr. Mary Bowden, founder of Americans for Health Freedom